The recipe card presents the HPS meta-model for performance measurement and comparative analysis.
This meta-model framework, created as a result of a five-year study that examined approximately 500 healthcare organizations and over 200,000 health care professionals, reveals a very clear chain of cause and effect relationships: Hospitals with the best business practices (in particular, leadership and operational effectiveness) have the best workplace culture (i.e., employee satisfaction, loyalty, engagement and retention). Hospitals with the best workplace cultures have the best overall quality, highest patient satisfaction and loyalty scores. Hospitals with the best patient experience are usually more financially successful and therefore have the opportunity to exhibit the best community stewardship.

The HPS meta-model, summarized on the recipe card, illustrates the value equation model for the healthcare industry and it serves as the cause – effect performance framework our Performance and Talent Management process.
The business practice performance drivers on the left hand side of the model were found to contribute most to the overall outcome indicators on the right hand side of the equation. Every leader in healthcare is primarily trying to improve both the patient experience and overall financial results.
Quite simply, when we “begin with the end in mind,” exceptional community stewardship is achieved with the best financial resources/results: Where service excellence and clinical quality produce the best patient experience. Where stakeholder attitudes about job satisfaction, organizational loyalty and professional engagement produce the best workplace. Where leadership, performance management and effective business processes produce the overall best business practices.