Performance evaluations miss the mark. Vast amounts of research has shown these tools have been largely misused and abused for decades, achieving very little in terms of effective talent management or performance measurements. Though well intentioned, performance evaluation programs are almost always a waste of time and money, going underutilized at best and used as a crutch for compensation decisions. Organizations can achieve good feedback where no formal evaluation program exists and, conversely, poor feedback where a state-of-the-art performance evaluation program exists. So what are the best doing differently? The difference comes from having consistently high coaching skills as a required management competency.
The challenge in coaching effectively is not so much with diagnosing performance or prescribing solutions, but more with mastering the Science and Art of providing feedback. Once you have completed the Coaching Roadmaps™ orientation, your leaders are prepared to begin using the web based platform to generate individual coaching plans for the leaders within their span of responsibility. Generate a coaching plan as often as is necessary for directionally correct continuous feedback.
Once the Compatibility Assessment has been completed, Healthcare Performance Solutions will design a custom orientation program package that captures the various leadership groups within your organization who will be using Coaching Roadmaps ™.
A typical orientation functions best as a workshop, allowing adequate time for introduction to the technology platform and understanding the science behind the seven key leadership considerations. Next, leaders have the opportunity to conduct a live web-based demo using simulated business scenarios. To demonstrate the art of coaching, the “coach” may manually override any pre-populated information to better reflect the current state of performance for the individual being coached.
Contact us today to begin the process.